We Bring Stone to Life
“Stone is a living element that requires the eyes, the hands, and the heart of another living being.”
-Daniele Degli Esposti, Scalpellino
The Vero Stone is a U.S. company with close working ties to Italy with the mission of translating the beauty of Italian stone and design to modern American applications. Representing premium Italian brands, The Vero Stone introduces the luxury of hand chiseled natural stone pieces for bath and kitchen, interior and exterior, architects and designers, and private clients across the country.
Work With Us
Our relationship with our client is of highest importance. Our clients receive our personal and customized attention on each and every project.
The close relationship we have with our Italian stone partners, including the designers, the engineers, and the artisans, is built on over three decades of collaborating on projects in the same territory. This close tie allows us to provide U.S. clients with a seamless experience, from concept design to installation, and gives us the freedom to create one-of-a-kind and completely personalized pieces for those we work with.
Stone will endure the test of time, but the integrity of the product and the beauty it brings to a space can be jeopardized if installation is not performed properly.
In the hands of a stone expert, travertine or marble can be shaped to fit perfectly into its intended setting. Whereas professionals who are unfamiliar with stone may damage or patch the peice to force a setting, our installers work with the natural characteristics of the stone to set it seamlessly and delicately into position.
Our stone partners are known for the same characteristics The Vero Stone stands for – exceptional quality, an eye for design and style, and the ability to blend the ancient tradition of hand chiseled workmanship with new and innovative carving techniques.
Contact us to learn more about how to create with The Vero Stone.